Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000122_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Mon Nov 10 19:47:03 1997.msg
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From: "Garfield Benjamin" <gbenjam@sosbbs.com>
To: "AMOS MAILING LIST" <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Subject: Re: Multitasking & mouse movement
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 17:36:50 -0500
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> I'm making a program in which I want to turn off multitasking. I've tried
> the 'Multi No' command from the Turbo Plus Extension. I've also tried
> using 'NUL=Execall(-132)' to turn it off.
> Well, both of these commands works great, the only problem I'm
> having is that the mouse moves really REALLY slow when I use em.
Hmmm... it's amazing the mouse is moving at all...
> I've tried to put the mouse in mouse port #2 and read the coords
> using the AMCAF commands 'X=X Smouse' and 'Y=Y Smouse'
> which works just fine when multitasking is off. But I'd really like to be
> able to use mouse port #1 instead, so is there any way to do this?
> I've also tried to read directly using 'X=Peek($DFF00A)' but then I would
> need some sort of resident program which can check this
> continuously... Anyone now how to do this (Asm?).
> Is there any other adresses for checking mouse movements except
> the $DFF00A and $DFF00B?
Don't know what you need this for, but any program that would be
killing the OS, would likely be running in a tight-loop (a game or
demo), so you should be able to check the mouse deltas each
loop and presto, you have OSless-mouse control.
I implemented this in my last SideShooter demo. I could send
the OSlessMouse demo (which, of course, includes the
DirectMouseReading procedure), but I'm simply reading the
registers each frame and you already know how to do that...
I haven't tried it, but perhaps you can install a VBL-interrupt in
AMOS even after the OS is kicked out, if so you could then use
an Every 1 Proc _DirectMouseRead or something similiar...
Hardware-wise it should be no problem, the question is whether
AMOS supports it or not.
Take care,
Current projects...
Image-Remapping module(BLITZ): 100% Complete
SideShooter(AMOS): 75% Complete
Website(http://www.sosbbs.com/~gbenjam): 20% Complete